
a page dedicated to stuff that doesn't really deserve a page of its own.

i fell sick on that lesson. sigh i remember missing rock climbing.

not much to write here, except that it is said that the forged digits on the cheque we were supposed to analyse were really obvious. haha.

y'know, after learning about chromatography in chem, i still have no idea how to differentiate the stationary phase from the mobile phase and the solute. yes, i too question my iq sometimes.

handwriting analysis
a pretty boring topic. it'd be much more interesting if we delved into how personality shapes one's handwriting, but that's pseudo-science.

pretty much the only thing i learned today is that i have a horribly recognizable handwriting (i can say goodbye to writing anonymous notes now q_q) and it's supposedly scratchy, hard to read and horrible. hey, i don't think it's that bad okay.

i'm quite proud of my handwriting because it's really unique and i have two ways of writing my 'a's, 't's, 'u's and 'y's. hehe. but then again everyone could identify my handwriting even when i tried my hardest to disguise it. sigh...

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